ESPOCH Postgraduate 🎓

📌 The Institute of Postgraduate and Continuing Education in adherence to transitory Regulations for the development of academic activities in Higher Education Institutions, due to the state of emergency decreed by the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, approved by the Council of Higher Education under resolution RPC-SE-03-No.046-2020, carries out the continuity of its master programs already planned, such as: 📍Master in Mathematics with mention in Modeling and Teaching. Cohort I, Parallels 1 and 2 📍Master in Child Nutrition. Cohort I, Parallels 1 and 2 📍Master in Finance. Cohort III; Parallel 1 📍Master of Risk Research with mention in Parcel Irrigation. Cohort I; Parallel 1 And today began the Master of Public Health. Cohort I; parallel 1 and in 3 weeks Parallel 2 💻 This is carried out synchronously and asynchronously, through the use of interactive multimedia technologies and virtual learning environments, through digital platforms; with national and foreign teachers, as in the case of the Master of Research in Irrigation 🎓 Ensuring the continuity of the teachers' studies according to academic planning.

The work does not stop.